C’est la saison pour un cours de cuisine familial!
Trouvez-vous que la liste des choses à faire en tant que famille à Bangkok est limitée?

A Simple Recipe for Cooking Thai Coconut Pancakes with Kids!
Happy 2019 everyone! We finished 2018 on a high, hosting a record number of families in our kids cooking class. So we want to continue to encourage people to get into the kitchen as a family throughout 2019, starting with the first holiday on the calendar, Thai...

A Fully Flavored Food Tour of Bangkok
Since we launched our social enterprise in 2017, our main business efforts have centered around giving our visitors great cooking classes. When we're speaking to schools or promoting our efforts in the US, we point to the smiley photos of guests with smoking hot...

Tis the Season for a Family Friendly Cooking Class!
Are you finding the list of things to do as a family in Bangkok limiting? Parents we feel your pain!

Commencez la saison des dons avec un cours spécial de cuisine thaïlandaise!
La saison des dons est imminente. La saison a débuté un jour seulement après le jour d’actions de grâce, nous étions heureux d’organiser notre premier cours en partenariat avec Holland America.